
Looking to the future

Sentivate is moving to the next stage in its evolutionary life cycle and will be undergoing the largest transition since our inception. It's time to get serious. With a renewed focus on market expansion, SNTVT holders, community events, weekly code pushes, routinely updated executables on the front page, redefined roadmap, multimedia content, strategic technology partners, advisor changes, institutional-grade funding, new devs, new artists, new physical locations, expanding the core team, and most of all shifting to the Universal Web brand. We re-envisioned Sentivate from an adoption and marketing perspective and our eyes immediately fixated on the name. We'll be moving away from Sentivate brand although unique it adds a layer of difficulty that will not be missed and into the Universal Web brand. The Universal Web is easily explained and quickly understood from the moment it is uttered. will be the new home for all Universal Web software and will display the software, services, and features for the average user while still providing in-depth links for more detailed technical information and documentation for enthusiasts. 

The rollout begins with the site. Community board members will be contacted privately for those initially selected for the roles. With the new governance model in place, collective decisions will then follow. We hope to see you all there as we begin this new phase of life and fully transition over to the new brand while maintaining existing properties. Keep your eye out the rollout has already started with a focus on the new properties and brand. From here on out it's all about the Universal Web, SNTVT, Viat, and the road to mass adoption. 

We can now say with 100% certainty that what we started and predicted would happen has indeed come true. We learned that our predictions: that the main protocol must drop TCP for UDP, that QUIC would play a major role in it, and that custom UDP protocols are the future of the Web all came true. All of this was realized when HTTP3 was announced. We spoke about the upcoming bandwidth crisis that is a sleeping calamity waiting to happen which would affect the entire globe and devastate economies if left unchecked. A select few doubted this even given that mainstream news sites have been speaking of bandwidth limitations for years. We got a small taste of what the event will look like when COVID-19 induced a bandwidth crisis. This gave us the fire and passion we needed to bring everything to the next stage in Sentivate's life cycle and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that unlike many things in crypto what we say holds water. It couldn't have happened at a more opportunistic time for Sentivate but to the world's surprise, it happened sooner than projected. 

We'll be putting out initial rules and regulations for those eligible for the roles with priority given to the community members that have been with us the longest. Who knows those selected may find themselves in the possession of a few surprise welcome presents from the Universal Web team. Could it be BTC, SNTVT, and swag gear? We tend to think so.