Decentralized web based projects aren't aware of the core issues. A decentralized web doesn't address the bandwidth problem it hyper accelerates it. Decentralized web projects don't address the issues associated with outdated core technologies such as DNS & HTTP. The decentralized space has projects that are simply driven by the hype of blockchain and proceed to decentralize everything under the sun. The web is a complex organism that has many moving parts. If we are to create a viable replacement for it we must address all these moving parts.

A decentralized web is what we get in a dystopian future where equality is put before freedom.

“A society that puts equality before freedom will get neither. A society that puts freedom before equality will get a high degree of both.”

Milton Friedman

If humanity was to replace the existing centralized web with a solely decentralized web, the result would be hyper catastrophic. The web is the vehicle that transports money in this global modern economy. If the web slows down so does the global economy. Imagine if trades on the New York Stock Exchange took seconds to minutes to hours to validate or send on the network. Then take into account that the trade request had an immediate cost to it. To put it bluntly our global economy, that requires nano seconds of speed, would drastically slow down and come to a dramatic crash. A solely decentralized web is slower, more difficult to develop for, offsets costs to users, lacks true real-time features, have bloated protocols that are on-top of existing data transport protocols, unpredictable, and miss all the core issues that are actually broken with the web.

From a scalability perspective every service becomes limited by the decentralized network's capabilities, consensus algorithm, computational ability, transaction speed, and data propagation just to name a few. If Amazon a company that relies on delivering pages to it's users in milliseconds and completing requests in the smallest time frame possible "Web 3.0" would cost them billions a year. It's safe to say Amazon's capabilities go far beyond that of Waves and EOS combined. It's safe to say the resources required to serve Netflix isn't viable on BSV yet alone Twitter. It's accurate to say that if the New York Stock Exchange opted for a solely decentralized network it would throw the global economy into a dreadfully slow swamp. All while costing more to have even a fraction of the performance. Instead of focusing on equally slow outcomes we should focus on a diverse set of outcomes only limited by each service's abilities. A network should always favor equal opportunity of equal outcome if it were ever designed to be efficacious.

It seems that more and more "Web 3.0" projects admit, in some way shape or form, that the benefits of centralized topologies can't be ignored. Then they proceed to justify why their supposedly decentralized network needs these centralized components. Which makes their entire mission of creating a decentralized web self-defeating, pointless, or at worse criminal false advertisement. If the idea is to make a decentralized network and your network adopts centralized components as key parts then congrats you no longer have a decentralized network. The crypto space has seen this time and time again projects come out the gate saying they are decentralized only to fault to the reality and admittedly become centralized. It seems to the case that every time investors put money into a Web 3.0 decentralized web project they get a poorly constructed centralized web, claiming to be decentralized, that would crash the global economy if it even attempted to replace the current web.

Some may say but there is a need for censorship resistance. Again this assertion is too deeply rooted in dogmatic belief that decentralization is a magic bullet. The reality is you can have and enjoy the freedoms of both, that's Sentivate. Sentivate's topology allows the laws of the land which safeguard it to be actualized. There is a no more perfect country when it comes to personal liberty than a country based on the US constitution. It's also important to remember that the Governments that can enforce network related restrictions can shutdown any decentralized network by going straight to the source, the developers and providers. With that being said the replacement for the web must allow individuals to operate freely while ensuring there is still law, order, & accountability. It's important to note that bad actors will take advantage of the technology and store illegal, immoral, and unethical content.

Another issue is the lack of true real-time features. Real-time on the web today means you click a button that requests sends it's nearly instantly processed and that message is then given to only listeners. Imagine sending a message to your grandmother and realizing first you have to pay to send it, then you have to wait for it to be validated, then propagate through enough nodes to reach your grandmother's node, and finally then update to show the message. We all know what network congestion on ETH looks like. Imagine all your real-time features having that same problem. Real-time for these Web 3.0 and blockchain 4.0 charlatan projects start counting the time much later down the road and then claim real-time. Make no mistake real-time features are time dependent, mission critical, reactive computing, and time constrained features. There is no time to wait for a consensus algorithm for a majority of peoples, businesses, and the global economy.

Don't be fooled by those who say: all operations are done on-chain, it's a decentralized web,

we have no resource limit, web 3.0, being decentralized yet claim real-time, and blockchain 4.0.

We're sure this list will grow and as it does we will continue to add more.

A realistic replacement for the web must be faster, lighter, censorship resistant to a reasonable extent, scalable, real-time, cost less yet do more, operable in constrained environments, made for IoT, and perfect for machine-to-machine communication. We could avoid a catastrophic end for the web if we focus our attention on every aspect of the web today: languages, design, browsers, protocols, DNS, and topology. We need geo-location based DNS results. We need to send less data. We need to utilize smart, adaptive, low-latency, quiet, ultra fast, encrypted by default, undoubtedly private, bi-directional, and all-in-one protocol. We need conscious applications that build themselves over time, as if you were walking across a bridge that’s constructing itself as you take your next step. We need browsers that ship with more capable languages, reactive components, and beautiful design of default elements. We need faster, encrypted, modern, and a more informative Domain Name System.

Any replacement for the web must have centralized systems as it's core focus which are then enhanced by decentralized components. Cryptocurrency is the opposite of this case. Like Viat, it must be decentralized focused and enhanced by centralized dedicated systems.